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TakeDownWeb App

Built with: Vue.js,, Judge0, NodeJS

In 2022, as a Technical Team member of the CSI student chapter of our college, we organized TakeDown 2022, a new bottle-royale-style competitive coding event where teams of 2 are matched against other teams and given a problem to solve. The problems were simple sets of sample inputs and outputs. Teams had to identify the pattern and write a general code to generate the required output from a given input. The team which cracks the code first receives 10 points and the loser receives an X. A team is eliminated once they get 3 Xs. However, the final leaderboard was decided purely based on points scored. The project involved a live match-making system and a custom code judge using Judge0. The frontend was built in Vue.js with a backend built with NodeJS, MongoDB and Socket.IO.

Left: Problem and coding area. Right: Player and opponent details. Top: Time left

Left: Problem and coding area. Right: Player and opponent details. Top: Time left